Horizon Agriculture Scholarships for Australian 2015/2016 • The Horizon scholarship has been established to encourage the next generation leaders of agriculture, who will take up the farming sector as career for future. This scholarship is for young and enthusiastic people who are keenly passionate about agriculture and ambitious to work in the industries in future and who are ready to upgrade their networks and learn new expertise.
Scholarship receivers will be chosen on the basis of their loyalty towards a career in agriculture, as well as their leadership potential and high school academic record. Applications open on 1 November each year.
Study in: Australia Host Institution: RIRDC (Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation) |
Course Level: Undergraduate Course Starts: 2015 |
Horizon Agriculture Scholarships for Australian 2015/2016
CLOSING DATE: 31 January (annually)
Field of Study(s):
Horizon Agriculture Scholarships 2015/2016 supports undergraduates studying fields related to agriculture such as:
- Agricultural Science
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Economics
- Food Security
- Rural Science
- Livestock/Animal Science
- Veterinary Science
- Plant Science
- Resource Management
- Sustainability
Target Group:
Australian citizen or permanen resident entering theri first year of university.
More scholarships in Australia, see also » International Undergraduate Scholarship-University of Melbourne 2015 2016.
To be eligible for the Horizon Agriculture Scholarships 2015/2016 students must be:
- Australian citizen or permanent resident
- entering their first year of university (with a maximum two year gap between high school and tertiary study)
- studying a degree related to agriculture (as mentioned above)
What does it cover:
Horizon Agriculture Scholarships 2015/2016 supports undergraduates studying agriculture at university by providing:
- A bursary of $5,000 per year for the duration of their degree
- Annual industry work placements that give students first-hand exposure to modern agricultural practices,
- Professional development workshops and mentoring, and
- Opportunities to network and gain knowledge at a range of industry events.
How to apply:
- To apply for the Horizon Agriculture Scholarships applicant must complete and submit an application form (available at link below).
- Before beginning the application process applicant must read the Horizon Scholarship terms and conditions.
- After the closing date (5pm AEST 30 January) all applications will be reviewed and a short list of applicants will then be selected for interview.
- The short listed applicants will be interviewed by a panel, who decide which students will be the recipients of a Horizon Scholarship that year.
- The successful applicants chosen to receive a Horizon Scholarship will be notified in March of each year.
Source & further information on Horizon Agriculture Scholarships 2015/2016 for Australian students: