Scholarships for African Women from Graca Machel 2015 2016

Graca Machel Postgraduate Scholarships for African Women 2015 2016 • In partnership with the Graca Machel Trust, Canon Collins award this scholarship on an annual basis. The scholarship is dedicated African women who want to take masters or doctoral program at South African universities. It will provide funding for up to a maximum of one year for Honours, two years for Masters and three years for PhD. Continued funding will depend on satisfactory progress and academic reports.

The Graca Machel international scholarships are looking for future women leaders in their fields and therefore demonstrable leadership qualities are important. Applicants must apply to the universities he/she wish to study at for a place on their chosen course(s).

Study in: South Africa
Host Institution: South African Universities
Course Level: Postgraduate (Masters & Doctor)
Course Starts: annually November

Graca-Marcel-international postgraduate Scholarships for african women_woman

Graca Machel Postgraduate Scholarships for African Women 2015 2016

CLOSING DATE: 25 July (annually)

Field of Study(s):

Any fields of study that have potential contribution to Southern Africa’s future prosperity.

Target Group:

The scholarships are provided to women of Africa from the following countries: Angola, Tanzania, Botswana, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Mauritius, Malawi, Zimbabwe, DRC.

Duration of Awards:

The Graca Machel international scholarships will provide funding for up to a maximum of one year for Honours, two years for Masters and three years for PhD. Continued funding will depend on satisfactory progress and academic reports.


In order to apply for the Graca Machel Scholarships for African Women, applicants must be:

  • female;
  • nationals of or have refugee status in one of the following countries:

Angola – Botswana – Tanzania – DRC – Madagascar – Mauritius – Mozambique –Namibia – South Africa – Malawi – Swaziland – Zambia – Zimbabwe

  • seeking this scholarship for study at honours, masters or doctoral level;
  • normally resident in one of the above counties.

What does it cover:

The Graca Machel scholarship covers full tuition fees, a stipend towards living costs, and a travel allowance. Awards in 2014 were as follows (awards in 2015 are likely to be similar):

  • Full paid tuition
  • Travel allowance (for scholars coming to South Africa from other SADC countries only) of ZAR7,000.
  • Stipend of ZAR 52,000 for South Africans, and ZAR 60,000 for non-South Africans

How to apply:

Applicants want to apply for the scholarships for African women must complete applications form online (link below). Make sure the applications is complete and accurate before submitting it online. All applicants are required to upload the following supporting documentation:

  • Copy of degree certificates, if available;
  • Certified academic transcripts;
  • Reference letters from two referees;
  • ID document (the following are acceptable: passport, birth certificate, driver’s license).

You may also need to submit:

  • Proof of refugee status, if applicable;
  • Two payslips, if currently employed;
  • PhD proposal if applicable.
Source & further information on Graca Machel Postgraduate Scholarships for African Women 2015 2016:

Official Invitation



3 thoughts on “Scholarships for African Women from Graca Machel 2015 2016

  1. Isnard Béatrice on said:

    I would like to know in which field of study are you offering the scholarship. And is it possible to apply for a Phd if I have only a degree. I know it’s possible in some countries.
    Thank you.

  2. Mary-Joyce Arekion on said:

    Can we apply if we want to take the course online or distance learning from south-Africa ? Does it apply only for full time courses? As the subject I want to study is a local living lab, can it be done under supervision of successful professor from south-African living lab? ( the concept can impact Southern Africa)

  3. mourine jeruto toniok on said:

    I applied for masters in oncology nursing at Witwatersrand university and i would wish to know if Kenyan female students can be allowed to apply for Graca Machel scholarship,i am really in need.

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